
ACC Living my life

The Living my Life service is a disability
support service to ACC clients who have long-term disability because of an injury.

We work with kiritaki (client) and their whānau to support them in making decisions about where they live, where they go, who they go with and what they do.

We will support you to achieve personal, community and employment goals.

ACC Rongoā

ACC recognise rongoā Māori as a kaupapa Māori service. It's culturally grounded care that weaves tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori, and te ao Māori through all aspects of the service.

We are a registered ACC rongoā provider supporting kiritaki through traditional māori rongoā practices of mirimiri and karakia.

ACC Navigation services

The Navigation Service was set up to give the public free, independent advice or guidance if they find the ACC system difficult to navigate.  We encompass the Northern Waikato, and Franklin regions, serving individuals of diverse backgrounds and ages. Our objective is to provide kiritaki with the information and support necessary to access the entitlements they rightfully deserve. Supporting kiritaki through kaupapa māori approaches to navigate and understand your journey through ACC.

If you or someone you know is in need of
guidance, feel free to contact us on 0800
524 942

Older people abuse prevention

We lead a co-design approach where Kaumatua are acknowledged as the experts within our community and that Kaumatua are able to live well and meaningful lives.

Elder Abuse Response Services ensures that older people experiencing or at risk of experiencing (or perceived to be
experiencing) abuse and neglect have timely
access to appropriate local services that
respond to ensure their immediate safety
and support them to have greater control
over their lives.

Suicide Prevention and Intervention

We support and awhi whānau who are
experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviours and deliver a community-led health suicide prevention service.
This service informs, responds and supports
you, whanau and community with positive
information and practical supports to preventing suicide

Training and education

We are experienced in designing kaupapa māori training and education for health professionals, social workers, counsellors and other community providers.  We design, deliver and evaluate training to support whānau and their community in a range of areas.

Covid_19 support

We provide safety plans for whānau with disabilities to prevent or reduce the impacts of Covid_19.  We can also supply essential needs to whānau with disabilities who may require other supports to keep them well.

He hauora te taonga — health is wealth