About Te AHI KAA
Te Ahi Kaa is a Kaupapa Māori provider located within Te Puaha O Waikato and borders on the boundaries of Auckland and Waikato. We support Kiritaki (clients) access and participation in whanau led services in health, cultural, social and physical wellbeing from pēpi to kaumatua of all cultures.
We were born from the vision of the people to provide Kaupapa Māori and whanau-led solutions to support the health and wellbeing of whanau.
Our Mission:
To advocate and promote whānau led services that achieve successful hauora, cultural and social outcomes for kiritaki and their whānau.
Our Vision:
Kiritaki and their whānau live well with their mana motuhake to make decisions for themselves and their whānau as they have full control over their own lives and future.
Our Values:
Mana motuhake o ngā whanau whānui - Kiritaki and their whanau decide for themselves their own path in life through self-reliance.
Manaaki he aroha whaakato he aroha ka puta mai - To be genuine in our ability to extend manaakitanga to Kiritaki and their whanau.
Ko te whakaiti te whare o te whakaaro nui - To be humble and place emphasis on upholding higher thoughts and actions in our work.
Tika - To be honest, truthful, genuine and true about how we represent the Te Ahi Kaa way.
Pono - To adhere to fairness and integrity in all aspects of our services.